Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Home for sick and dying children

Home for sick and dying children

Looking into the eyes of a child is looking into the eyes of Christ! There are saints in this world. I saw them working today! I am not an angel. I met angels and they are at the home for sick and dying children, taking care of babies day in and day out. That is what they do. They don't get paid for their work. They don't get recognition. They don't get to go on facebook and show the world all the great things that they are doing. They didn't seem phased by the typical female concerns such as fashion and perfect make up and hair. Yet, they were some of the most beautiful women that I've ever seen!

It was about 92 degrees and high humidity which made it feel like 105 degrees. When we arrived at the home, we were broken up into 2 groups and brought into infant rooms filled with about 20-25 crying babies. There's no time to think, you just kick it into gear and start taking care of babies. They all needed to be fed and changed. They all were putting their arms up wanting your love and attention, except for the ones that were hooked up to IV drips or were too sick and frail to stand up in their cribs. With those babies, we had to stand next to their crib and try to bring some comfort. We were sweating as we went from child to child giving as much love and attention as our bodies could offer. I looked around at my teammates and saw them working as hard as they could. Changing diapers, giving water, wiping noses, singing songs and running around outside with the older kids. It was one of the most heart warming sites to date. I'm with some seriously amazing people.

Michelle, my leader and one of my best friends, checked in on all of us repeatedly. Everytime she asked me how I was feeling, I held back the huge lump in my throat. No time for crying. My internal voice was saying, "suck it up Nikki, these children need your care, not your tears." I needed more arms, more hands! We all did.

It was time to go but I wasn't ready. I wanted to hug them more! The nuns are angels but they only have so many hands and I can attest to the fact they don't don't have enough hands for the work that they have before them. As we were leaving there was a mom trying to admit her baby to the clinic. Her baby was so thin and ill. We jumped into the truck to go and the lump in my throat turned into full blown tears! I couldn't hold it in any longer. I have never felt more touched by anything in my entire life. I experienced just a snapshot of service that those beautiful nuns devote themselves to every single day. I feel broken hearted but I am thankful to God for his faithful servants and I'm inspired once again to do more.

Matthew 25:45 "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'


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